Friday 17 January 2014

T Day plus 6 (16th January)

John wrote:
The consultant visited and says all going according to plan. He gives me something to look forwards to 7 to 10 days after the transplant there should be an indication that the transplant has started to get to work.  I need to trust that the Germans will be scoring lots of goals in the World Transplant Cup (aka Mike Winterbottom). So over the next 3 or 4 days  they expect my blood counts to start rising. And for me the first external evidence of this will be when they stop the cyclosporine drip and can give me the drug in tablet form. Once that step is taken they will let me go home.
So today for me is a psychological watershed. I should be able to go home between 21 and 28 days after admission. I am over half way there.

Some more platelets transfused – this is what they look like

 And they have my new blood group.


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