Thursday, 9 January 2014

Day 7

Day 7 (9th January) – Chemo plus 6 day
John wrote:
Written at 20:00
Last day of chemo today. I will be moved to my own room this evening, where I hope I will feel more comfortable. Not feeling too good at all now.
Managed 2 weetabix this morning and ate a third of my lunch. But could not face anything this evening. I get weighed every day, but have not lost weight despite hardly eating anything for the last 2 days. Perhaps that is down to the litre of saline I got yesterday to bring my temperature down.
So I now start the anti-rejection drugs. And through the Hickman line as usual. They use cyclosporine. I tell the Staff Nurse, who sets up the infusion, that it is made from mushrooms. She says she doesn’t know that

They move be further on down into the depths of the ward.  You have to pass by 2 nurses desks to get here, so you had better be bona fide. And finally I am in the isolation room that will be my home for the next two or more weeks.
I get a reasonable night’s sleep at last.
Sue wrote:
Wikipedia says cyclosporine was isolated from the fungus Tolypocladium inflatum (Beauveria nivea), found in a soil sample obtained in 1969 in Norway.
Useful fact for a Pub quiz!

Later at 22:25. He just phoned and sounded 100% more chirpy. Hooray & What a relief.
Now it turns out he had a temperature of over 38 when I saw him earlier. No wonder he seemd so poorly.

It is back down to something reasonable in the 37s.
He is now in solitary, and tells me I will have to go through an air-lock to see him. Or was it a sheep-dip?
Tomorrow all will be revealed
But now no mobile coverage. So sorry that he will no longer cheered up, by all the texts wishing him well.

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