Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Day 6

Day 6 (8th January) – Chemo plus 5 day
John wrote:
Still feeling sick. Could only manage 2 Weetabix for breakfast. At home I would always have 3. But having a shower bucks me up. 

And then for lunch only managed a nutritional drink. Nothing solid.
I have been asked to keep a log of what I eat, drink and wee.
They weigh me each day, perhaps they are trying to find out where the input minus the output is going.

My cheery nurse tells me I have yet another type of chemo to look forwards to today. This is the big one. They introduce it very gradually, and when Sue leaves me at the end of her visit, all is still going well. But that is only the beginning. The infusion starts slowly, monitoring blood pressure and temperature each half hour. The rate of infusion is gradually ratcheted up, as things seem to be progressing in an orderly fashion.
Then suddenly my temperature shy rockets to 39.6. Panic stations.  I feel awful.
Eventually after lots of fluids through the line it comes down to a respectable 37.6. Another happy result, and much relief all round.
I told then a cup of tea and paracetamol usually work for me at home, I get paracetamol but no tea. Not surprising they want to do this in a more professional manner.

Well, it felt nasty while it lasted. I think I must have had an hallucination. I thought Sue was back visiting me. I heard her voice as clear as anything. But it could not have been because she could not have got home, and back to the hospital in the time.

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