Tuesday, 7 January 2014

Day 4

Day 4 (6th January - Epiphany) – Chemo plus 3 Day
John wrote:
Starting to feel more queasy, more often -  it seems to me just like when you start a boat trip, and you try to work out whether you are going to be sea-sick. Also felt a bit unsteady when I got out of bed. So not actually sea-sick, but the deck sure feels like it’s moving.
My weight has allegedly dropped 4 kg since I came into hospital. But is still more than I thought I was.
Consultant on his rounds - everything is as expected dear boy, including the queasiness, considering the amount of stuff they are pumping into me. It turns out that my immune system will not be really compromised until after the transplant. I think they must have told me that before but it hadn’t registered.

Both the half hour infusion that I have had the last 3 days and an extra longer chemo today - 2 hours.
They serve them up in a pretty pink bag so that it doesn’t get confused with anything else they are pumping into you.

Sue - you don't want to get folk worrying  - you had better improve your camera technique - I've gone all fuzzy, surely it's just the photo, and not me.

Then a bad night with only a little sleep. Too much light for some one who is used to dark country nights. And too much going on, on the ward.


  1. John
    First of all I don't think you are fuzzy ; you are probably the sharpest person (mentally not verbally) that I have the pleasure of knowing...
    The blog is now compulsory reading, and certainly before I start on the sports pages of The Telegraph. I echo your comments re the England cricket team, they were outplayed,out thought and out of their league, having said that Aussies just love winning and showed the same determination as you to grind the enemy into the dust.
    Hope the longer chemo session is not too exhausting, and please do not upset your personal photographer
    Kindest wishes from Maggie and myself

  2. John,so glad we can keep in touch.We are following your progress daily and so pleased you are doing well.Do not envy you the sea sickness,I am not a sailor,
    unlike Mike.Mike's comments about the cricket he says are not virus free! He doesn't want to endanger your health!Our love and prayers are with you both.
    Elaine and Mike
